Consumer Partnership and Leadership

Disability Engagement Program

*We often use the person-first term “people with disability”, however we recognise everyone’s right to choose the terms they use to describe themselves and their communities.

Why Disability Engagement Matters

Inclusion is key to achieving the best health outcomes for everyone. It’s vital to address the unique needs of people with disabilities and ensure healthcare is accessible and responsive. We hear that hospitals often do not feel like safe places for many people with disabilities due to issues such as inadequate staff training, lack of listening, and the complexity of navigating the health system, especially with the NDIS.

By listening to people with disabilities, we can identify system gaps, advocate for change, and create a safe, accessible healthcare environment. People with disabilities want a genuine say in their care, including leadership roles. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to disability engagement; people with disabilities have diverse lives, talents, and ambitions, just like everyone else.

Our Approach

Partnering with Disability Organisations

We collaborate with disability advocacy organisations to amplify the voices of people with disabilities and improve healthcare access and quality. We have been partnering with People With disability WA since 2018 to develop and deliver the Empowering Health Consumers’ with disability training.

Community Consultations

We provide inclusive and accessible consultations to understand the health needs and priorities of people with disabilities. By creating a supportive environment, we ensure their voices are valued in shaping healthcare policies, programs, and services.

Policy Review

We work in close partnership with key agencies like Developmental Disability WA, Consumers of Mental Health WA, People with Disabilities WA, Ethnic Disabilities Advocacy Council, Carers WA, and WA Association of Mental Health, to inform health policy reviews.

Health Consumers' Council Membership Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Health Consumers’ Council member. Membership applications will be reviewed by the HCC Management Committee, usually once per month. We will contact you once your application has been approved.

Please have a read of our vision, purpose and values at

By submitting this application, you acknowledge that your information will be added to our membership register. You will receive occasional member communications and can update your preferences at any time.


Health Consumers’ Council acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities as the Traditional Custodians of the land we work on, specifically the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Australia always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

Health Consumers’ Council recognises the individual and collective expertise of those living with health challenges. We recognise their vital contribution at all levels and value the courage of those who share this unique perspective for the purpose of partnering to achieve better health outcomes for all.

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